Hey people! Are you guys & girls ready for August? It's an exciting month coming our way and we're sure many of you will be blessed by it. We'll be having our very first WHAM! Builder on the 21st of August 2010 which is a Saturday. So make yourself available on that day as we do not want anyone to miss this "Team Building + Fellowship + Games" coming your way! We will brief all of you more on this soon.
Not to mention, Barbeque Party at Daniel's place! If you call yourself as Penangites, we'd better see you attending this party as we're gonna feast til' we're satisfied! :D We want to get to know you more too! Make yourself free that Wednesday. P/s..we prioritize to KDU CF (WHAM!) only. :)
For more information, you can always contact us at whamforkdu@gmail.com. We hope to hear more from you! God bless.