"As some of you here may have known, for the past 3 days (22nd-24th March 2010) we held a fundraising activity called "A Colourful Tale". All proceeds will be an education fund for the children of the less privileged community in Rifle Range.
In our first visit to Rifle Range last year for Change Your World community project, a few of us talked to the owner of House of Hope; a non-profit organization formed to take care of the lives of the poor in Rifle Range. Cheng See mentioned that the children are so poor, they'd wear torn shoes and torn bags to school. Some of them don't even own an umbrella or raincoats, causing them all to skip school when it's raining.
What saddens us the most was the story of a boy being caned by the teacher, simply because his family couldn't pay up his exam fees which is only RM20.
That was what fueled us to start this fundraiser. It serves as a reminder to us that these children are our nation's future, and they need the help from us for a better education.
Our original date for the fundraiser is only from 22nd-23rd of March, but SSD allowed us to continue for another more day! And instead from the initial time of 12-2pm, we'd usually start early and end later at around 4pm.
What did we sell? We sold all sorts of necklaces, bracelets, anklets and even earrings. The most popular item was the Gospel Anklets and Braided Bracelets; priced at RM5 and RM10 respectively.
Other than selling the handmade accessories to raise funds, we also printed cards with messages in them. Each time these accessories were sold, we slipped in these cards for them to know what are the meaning behind the colors!
What could the message be? It is of the Gospel, of course! Attached are the pictures for the two cards.
We also held our registration for new WHAM! (We Have A Mission! Christian Fellowship) members on the first two days! Donation boxes were placed at the table for people to donate their money.
When we started planning for this fundraising activity, we had no more than 2 weeks. But still, we managed to pull through despite our hectic college schedules and also reached our target of RM600. After seeing the profits on Day 2, we decided to up our target to RM1000 and we still managed to reach the target!
First and foremost, we'd like to thank God for giving us this opportunity to hold this event in the college. Not only that we helped to give children a better education, we also managed to spread God's word to everyone! :D everybody say "Praise the Lord"!
We'd like to thank the committee and friends for helping out in making the accessories and also their endless support in this event. To our teacher advisers, lecturers and also our dear fellow WHAM! members, we could not have done it without each and every one of you!
So below, we have a short report on our sales and donation! See how the numbers are increasing? God's working ;)
Total Cost: RM295
Day One Sales: RM387
(minus cost) RM92
Day Two Sales: RM262
Day Three Sales: RM334
Total Profits: RM741
Day One Donations: RM90
Day Two Donations: RM115.50
Day Three Donations: RM181.70
Total Donations: RM387.20
Total: RM1128.20
Money collected will be brought over to House of Hope in our next visit in mid-April! Thank you once again for your support and may God bless you!"
Pictures taken during the first day-
Registration :)
The WHAM! team, together with teacher advisor, Mr. Yap :)
Selling our accessories :)
Our booth.
Truthfully, the best thing about this event was not laughing at the boys trying to sell accessories to girls, but it was seeing God working through it all. From the start to finish, God was faithful :)
Be at Room403 tomorrow for Revo Prayer!
Come with an expectant heart :)